One of the larger things to humble me in my stay thus far is having a 2 year old teach me how to speak French. Last night while reading to him, I developed a new found love for the extremely sophisticated, extraordinarily exquisite... wait for it... picture books. Some might be wondering, "what's your favorite picture book, Aubree?" First I'd say, "great question!" Followed by an unhesitated answer of "Dans la mer, il y a des... What's yours?" Not only is it full of underwater creatures (unfortunately no elephants in this one) and puffy and makes squeaky noises... it's waterproof! Who knew my nightly bath I give Josh would turn into an educational lesson for Aubree.
Some of you might be wondering, "Cool story Aubree. Are you on drugs? What's the point?" To that I'd respond, "gee, what another great question!"Followed by a hesitated confession.... kidding peopleeee. The point is "Dans la mer, il y a des" inspired me to have a go at my own picture book (blog). So rather than give you the run down followed by showing some pictures, I'm mixing it up and will tell you about todays adventures all through my photos. Hopefully this isn't throwing anyones entire day off. I know this blog is a matter of life or death to most :)
FIRST, I must start with just a quick recap of last night which was SO cool
So there is a heaven on earth... This is where I played soccer last night! I took this picture before I played but by the end of practice it was dark out and the Eiffel Tower was sparkling. The girls on the team were really great and welcoming. I look forward to going back next week however I am not looking forward to the ground they call "turf" which is closer to a tennis court than actual turf field. |
Now onto today's "story"...
Inside the "lobby" of the Louvre |
The Winged Victory of Samortrace ... and a couple posing whom I was too impatient to wait for |
One of the many hallways I got lost in |
The Wedding Feast at Cana, Veronese... HUGE |
THE Mona Lisa Everyone see's this 100 times in their school text books, reads about it, watches movies about it. Even though the painting is small (especially being directly across from The Wedding Feast), it's truly amazing seeing it in person. I remember walking into the room (signs all over the Louvre point you in which direction the Mona Lisa is) and all I could think was "I'm standing infront of the Mona Lisa." One of those lost for words type of moment. |
What most rooms look like, organized/grouped by painter or time period or theme |
View from one of the windows |
Painter painting a painting |
The consecration of the Emperor Napoleon I This was the least crowded shot I could get. It's one of the "must see's" and for good reason. Beautiful |
Hottest stoned bod I saw |
Couldn't help myself.. Baby got back! |
Ceilings were unreal |
Aphrodite! Known as the "Venus de Milo" |
Don't know what this is?? Haven't you ever seen a wall of colored toilet paper before? ... So I'm exiting the Louvre.. half from sensory overload, half because my blatter is about to explode. I found signs leading me to the bathroom and I walk in so confused. The best way to describe Point WC is a boutique bathroom. They basically ask you which color you'd like to wipe with... |
Behind the front desk where the receptionist greets you and collects your 1.50 euro... TO GO PEE! When you gotta go, you gotta go... |
Hotel Du Louvre... which is next to the Louvre. Shocking, I know |
...good thing I brought my Linkin Park After Dark with me! For those who don't know, OPI nail polish is awesome. But just to give you a quick educational lesson on currency exchange rate: a bottle of OPI costs $8 in the US but here it's 13.50 euros... which is equivalent to about $18 bucks!! |
Good finds at good prices! (Took this picture mainly for myself to remember the name of it) |
Benetton- New favorite store! Bought a pair of blue trousers from there today ... the European style is already rubbing off on me |
Paris Opera! Tried to go inside but it was closed to visitors today |
I couldn't resist... throwing up the peace sign and all |
Ganster Mickey chillen at the Opera? |
New favorite shopping street |
Apparently there's a horse event in town this weekend |
Champs-Elysees :) |
I don't know how this picture could get any more European... A) A&F B) Walking through an iron gate and garden to get into the store C) Being greeted by 2 A&F hotties Even though B and C sound great, I couldn't get myself to go in because... see A. |
PSG shop! Paris Saint- Germain is the pro soccer team here |
Nike Paris... whyyy can't the Euro be the cheaper of the two currencies |
Since I've talked about Laduree in at least 2 of my blogs, I thought it deserved a photo from every angle. |
Cafe in the middle of the sidewalk |
Champs- Elysees meets the Arc de Triomphe. |
I wanttttt. |
I saw it only fitting to end my picture blog with the now notorious: "Dans la mer" picture book |
Well, I hope my picture book was able to educate you about my happenings in the same way Josh is educating me with "Dans la mer." One thing I must say while rereading this over is that these pictures do not do Paris justice. As I've followed friends who have previously gone on their own trips and thought, "wow, how cool is that!"... it is so so SO much cooler in person. Sure, if you ever were to come here (for those that haven't), after seeing my pictures, you would be able to put two and two together in the same way I did today when seeing the Mona Lisa. But the feelings, elatedness, emotions, and liveliness you feel in this city are something that no picture nor words can explain. It's something you have to experience for yourself to believe. This is the first lesson I've learned since being here; it's about taking action and doing things for yourself. No one else can tell you how, why, or where to live your life except you. It took giving up a lot to be here but I know it will be more than worth it (it already has been). If this post can do anything, I hope it inspires. Coming from me personally, I had a lot of mixed emotions going into this but after less than short 2 weeks, I already know the climb was worth the view... and there's still so much more to see! I had never been abroad before and knew it was something I wanted to do at this point in my life. I knew I'd regret if I didn't. So if you're like me and are hesitant about something you truly think would be a positive experience/decision/etc in your life, the best advice I can give you is to step outside your comfort zone and DO IT!
And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. - Luke 11:9
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