As March 2012 is coming to close, there is no better way to sum it up than the ironically simple, "March Madness." Although I can't say I've watched one NCAA basketball game (gasp), the past 30 days have been eye-opening and nothing short of spectacular.
Everyone has milestones in their lives: first steps, first day of school, first soccer game, first kiss, first heartbreak, first National Championship, first time trying sushi, first drink, first time talking your way out of a speeding ticket... don't act like you never have. The only one's who aren't agreeing are the ones that didn't pull it off successfully. Blame your inadequate-cry-on-demand tear ducts, not the police car hiding out around the corner. Nevertheless, we all have an indefinite amount of "firsts" but as we grow older, these seem to dwindle away. Whether we get too sucked into our daily routines, are afraid of change, making excuses, or hesitant about taking risks, the fact of the matter is that grown ups are just no fun. Jokes, however I do think it's slightly depressing to see less and less people stepping outside their comfort zone or try something new. Think about all the "firsts" kids are experiencing and compare that to the number you are. What happened to "living life to the fullest" or "never let a moment pass you by" ?!? CARPE DIEM PEOPLE! CARPE DIEM!
Up until this month, March 2012, my number of "firsts" was on a downward spiral as well but in the past 30 days.. my gosh, it feels like watching a flat lined electrocardiograph machine turn into a crying seizure. First time stepping on European soil, first time seeing the Eiffel Tower, first time eating a TRUE crossant, first european soccer game, first time seeing the Mona Lisa and other works of art, first time hanging out with a group of people of a dozen or more different nationalities, first time using a euro, first time learning the hard way to not STAND on the left side of an escalator (it's like a huge unwritten law here.. but really, can't pick up your dogs poop?), first time uttering my most commonly used phrase "I don't speak French," first time mistaking hand sanitizer for mouth wash, first time having wine and cheese for lunch, first time hearing the word "douche" (meaning shower yet I still can't bring myself to terms with saying), and many, many, MANY more... some of which are intentionally neglected. Sorry, but grandma's reading this. Grandma, all I neglected to mention was all the cool old churches/cathedrals I've been in like Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur. Yes, that's it!
Two people I do want a take a minute to make an example of are my parents. As most of you know, March 29, 2012 (yesterday) was moving day at 1 Southwick Place. This has been an extremely tough pill to swallow and the one thing I wish was not on my March 2012 list of "firsts" -- not being able to call "maintenance mountain" my home. To go walk back into my house I would see nothing but 15 years of fond memories. Some good, some bad, but more good. Miranda Lambert says it best... it was the house that built me. You can look at it two ways, be sad knowing I'll never make that sharp left turn up our driveway again (crossing my fingers that no one is coming down), or happy that I had that for the majority of my life. My parents didn't make the extremely difficult decision to just simply leave our home, but made the choice to buy a lake house instead where they can grow old, make new memories, and as they keep saying, "somewhere great to bring the grandchildren." (I keep telling them I need to find a boyfriend first but they just don't seem to understand!) My parents chose to step enormously outside their comfort zone and choose to make a "first" of their own and for that, I am very proud of them. As the saying goes, home is where the heart is. Although I don't think there will ever be another like Southwick Place, as I said earlier, walking through my house again, all I'd be able to see are memories in every corner of every wall. Lucky for me, memories are intangibles and something I can take with me where ever I go.
March 3 was the first time I said "goodbye" to Southwick Place instead of just "see you later." On the flip side, March 4 was the first time I said "hello" to Paris and an extremely exciting new chapter of my life... My oh my, March Madness! Even though most of us are miles away, I'm glad you guys are all along for the ride! The love and support I receive from home on a daily basis is amazing and makes this experience even better knowing I get to share it. Here's what I've been up to since last week:
"First" Flea Market |
"First" time at Cafe Oz together |
Can't say this is a "first" |
Isabel going green! |
"First" AMF! ... or the French version of it anyways |
Aftermath of the "First" time staying out until the metro's reopen at 5am.. cute. |
Inside Musee Carnavelet- History of Paris Museum |
Courtyard at Musee Carnavalet |
Leslie snuck this picture of me. We both agreed we didn't learn much about
Paris at this museum but we liked the courtyard :) |
Lunch at our new favorite spot in the 4th spectacularly named "Le Favorite"
It was not your average French Cafe, much more urban and modern |
Bridge going from the 4th over to Notre Dame |
"First" time at Notre Dame! |
Inside Notre Dame... SO beautiful! |
Walking off our lunch and chocolat along the Seine.
Lots of people lunch here |
Josh and I spent the day at Le Jardin D'Acclimatation...
Kids amusement park close by with lots of animals.
Loved that he chose the SF Fire Dept truck :) |
Happy boy! |
The blondies |
Hope you like the pics! I love posting/captioning them because it makes me fall in love with this place all over again.
Last night I went and played soccer again... I’m loving the girls and the team! Even the girls that don’t speak English I’m learning how to communicate with and have started bonding. The head coach is French but ironically played for the Boston Breakers when the league first started in ’05 I believe... meant to be! Right now I’m heading to a doctor appointment so I can get cleared to play games with them.
As for what’s next... tonight Leslie and I are going out which is always something to look forward to! Tomorrow I’m giving my first english lesson to an 11 year old girl who lives across the street. Not sure what to expect given the dynamic of a little girl who knows only a few words of english and me, who can’t even pronounce “au revoir” properly. Good thing my French classes start on Monday! My first set of classes will be 3 weeks long, 2 hours a day Monday-Friday. Let’s hope these teachers can work some magic! Sunday night Leslie, Jennifer, Isabel, and I are going to take a night bike tour all around Paris. It’s 4 hours long and we will see all the touristy attractions but since it’s at night, will involve lots of wine pit stops :) Then a week from today, Leslie and I will leave for Barcelona! Viva Espana!! We’ll be there Friday until Tuesday and my hopes are to experience as many “firsts” as possible. Leslie mentioned the idea of some Sangria... I didn’t oppose.
Until next time, I hope everyone has a good weekend and goes out and makes at least one new “first” of their own... After all, it’s March Madness!
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